While water restrictions are nothing new to many areas of Australia (such as Tamworth residents who are currently at level 5), this is the first time Sydney has been affected since 2009.
As a pool owner, one of the most effective ways you can save water is by using a pool cover. An Oasis Solar Pool cover has been independently tested, and proven to prevent up to 99.84% of evaporation.
All our Oasis Solar Covers are licensed under the Smart Approved WaterMark, endorsed by the Water Corporation’s Waterwise program and carry the newly created Climate Care Certification from SPASA.

If your local area has recently introduced water restrictions, it’s likely that having a pool cover with one or all of these qualifications is required in order to fill or even top up your pool.
If you registered your warranty with us and require a copy of your cover’s compliance certificate, just send us a message and we’ll be able to send you a copy. Your pool shop can also log into our trade website and download a copy for you too.
If you’re not sure what your local restrictions are, check with your local council or water authority – they will have the most up to date information for you.